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Mineral Name: Zebra Calcite
Chemical Composition: Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Hardness on Mohs Scale: 3 Mohs Hardness
Color Varieties: White with Black stripes
Localities: Mexico, the United States, Peru
Metaphysical Properties: Zebra Calcite is known as a stone of balance and harmony and promotes inner peace, and emotional healing. It is useful with finding closure, dispelling chaotic energy, promoting forgiveness, and assisting with grief and loss.
Zebra Calcite helps one connect with their inner wisdom and intuition. It can enhance mental clarity and focus, leaving you feeling more centered. It is also used to promote grounding, stability, and courage. Zebra Calcite is useful for releasing fear and anxiety. It can also promote self-confidence and self-esteem.
Associated Chakras: Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus
Zodiac Signs: Cancer
Scientific Information: Zebra Calcite is formed in sedimentary rocks, often in association with other minerals like dolomite and quartz. Its crystals are typically rhombohedral or scalenohedral in shape, with cleavage in three directions.