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      Mineral Name: Sunstone


      Chemical Composition: Feldspar ((CaNa)(SiAI)4O8)


      Hardness on Mohs Scale: 6 - 6.5 Mohs Hardness


      Color Varieties: Orange, Red, Brown


      Localities: India, Russia, Canada, the United States


      Metaphysical Properties: Sunstone is a stone of leadership, personal power, and abundance. It instills empowerment and good luck, and fosters independence. It also renews and aligns and boosts energy levels while lifting bad moods. 

      Sunstone helps one tap into their inner strength and creativity, and to inspire confidence and enthusiasm. It assists one to overcome self-doubt and negative thought patterns and promotes self-discovery and personal growth. It is often used to promote a sense of well-being, optimism, and joy.

              Associated Chakras: Base, Sacral

                  Zodiac Signs: Leo and Libra


      Scientific Information: Sunstone is formed in igneous rocks, often in association with other minerals like quartz and Mica. Its crystals are typically tabular and often exhibit a distinct cleavage in two directions.