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Mineral Name: Spirit Quartz
Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
Hardness on Mohs Scale: 7 Mohs Hardness
Color Varieties: Purple, White, Yellow, Brown
Localities: South Africa, Brazil, Madagascar
Metaphysical Properties: Spirit Quartz is a comforting stone of harmony and balance. It inspires love, promotes healing, and brings contentment. It also dissolves negativity and improves knowledge of self.
Spirit Quartz promotes spiritual growth and alignment with higher consciousness and a heightened intuition. It is often used to facilitate communication with spirit guides and angels. It is also useful for enhancing psychic abilities, intuition, spiritual insight, and spiritual evolution.
Associated Chakras: Crown
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
Scientific Information: Spirit Quartz is formed in igneous rocks, often in association with other minerals like feldspar and mica. Its crystals are typically hexagonal, and they can occur in a variety of different crystal habitats, including druzy clusters and trigons.