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      Mineral Name: Rhodochrosite


      Chemical Composition: Manganese Carbonate (MnCO3)


      Hardness on Mohs Scale: 3.5 - 4 Mohs Hardness


      Color Varieties: Pink, Red, Brown


      Localities: Argentina, Peru, South Africa, the United States


      Metaphysical Properties: Rhodochrosite is known as the stone of love, compassion, and healing. It assists in making better decisions, facing your fears, and promotes self-love. It provides enlightenment and optimism, while calming the mind. 

      Rhodochrosite helps one heal emotional wounds, sheds limiting beliefs and releases old patterns. It promotes self-love, acceptance, balance, harmony, inner peace, and a sense of spiritual growth and development, while enhancing one’s ability to give and receive love, and the ability to connect with the divine.

              Associated Chakras: Heart

               Zodiac Signs: Scorpio


      Scientific Information: Rhodochrosite is formed through the precipitation of manganese carbonate in hydrothermal veins and sedimentary rocks. Its crystals typically form in the trigonal crystal system, with the rhombohedral structure.