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Mineral Name: Prehnite
Chemical Composition: Hydrated Calcium Aluminum Silicate (Ca2AI(AISi3O10)(OH)2)
Hardness on Mohs Scale: 6 - 6.5 Mohs Hardness
Color Varieties: Green, Yellow, White
Localities: Namibia, South Africa, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Scotland, France, United States
Metaphysical Properties: Prehnite is considered the stone of unconditional love and is centered in heart-based healing. It improves insight, intuition, emotional restoration, and dream enhancement. It also attracts abundance and amplifies intentions.
Prehnite enhances spiritual growth and inner peace. It connects the heart and the will, allowing one to align their actions with their heart’s desire. It is particularly helpful in relieving anxiety, worry, and fear, and in promoting calmness and relaxation. Prehnite is great for empaths and healers.
Associated Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart
Zodiac Signs: Libra
Scientific Information: Prehnite is formed through the hydrothermal alteration of existing rocks, or through the precipitation of minerals from water. Prehnite crystals typically form in the orthorhombic crystal system, with blocky or tabular shapes.