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    Moss Agate


      Mineral Name: Moss Agate


      Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)


      Hardness on Mohs Scale: 6.5 - 7 Mohs Hardness


      Color Varieties: Green, Brownish-Green


      Localities: India, Brazil, the United States, Europe, Uruguay


      Metaphysical Properties: Moss Agate is a stone of abundance and prosperity. It is good for connecting with nature, security and stability, and physical well-being. It also instills confidence in one's' abilities, healthy communication, and success and prosperity.

      Moss Agate attracts wealth and success into one’s life and promotes inner peace, physical healing, and tranquility. It helps one to release stress and anxiety providing a feeling of calm. It is often used to promote spiritual growth and connection to the earth’s energy.

              Associated Chakras: Heart

               Zodiac Signs: Virgo


      Scientific Information: Moss Agate is formed through a process of precipitation in cracks and cavities within rocks, often in association with volcanic activity or other geological processes. Its name comes from the green, moss-like inclusions found within the stone, which are often iron or manganese oxides.