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      Mineral Name: Malachite


      Chemical Composition: Copper Carbonate (Cu2CO3(OH)2)


      Hardness on Mohs Scale: 3.5 - 4 Mohs Hardness


      Color Varieties: Light to Dark Green with a distinct banded and swirled pattern


      Localities: Russia, Australia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, The United States


      Metaphysical Properties: Malachite is a stone of transformation, healing, and protection. It also facilitates emotional support and growth, and to protect against negative energies and psychic attacks. It helps heal the heart, and deepens connections.

      Malachite is believed to help one release negative energy and emotions. It is often used to enhance spiritual growth and intuition and to promote a sense of balance and harmony. It also assists with conflict resolution, self-awareness, and wealth and prosperity.

              Associated Chakras: Heart

               Zodiac Signs: Scorpio


      Scientific Information: Formed in the oxidized zone of copper deposits through the reaction of copper minerals with carbon dioxide-rich water, Malachite crystals typically form in the monoclinic crystal system with needle-like or fibrous crystals.