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      Mineral Name: Lepidolite


      Chemical Composition: Lithium-rich Mica (K(Li,AI,Rb)2(AI,Si)4O10(F,OH)2)


      Hardness on Mohs Scale: 2.5 - 4 Mohs Hardness


      Color Varieties: Purple, Pink, Gray


      Localities: Brazil, Russia, the United States, Madagascar


      Metaphysical Properties: Lepidolite is a stone of peace, calm, and emotional balance, Lepidolite helps one release stress, anxiety, and negative emotions while promoting a sense of calm, tranquility, and harmony. 

      Lepidolite is a good stone for emotional stability, mental clarity, and restful sleep. It also enhances intuition, spiritual growth, and psychic abilities. It assists one with connecting with others, reducing tension, and uncovering your true potential. 

              Associated Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

              Zodiac Signs: Libra


      Scientific Information:  Lepidolite is formed in pegmatite veins, which are large, coarse-grained igneous rocks. Its crystals typically form in the monoclinic crystal system, with thin, platy crystals.