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Mineral Name: Honey Calcite
Chemical Composition: Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Hardness on Mohs Scale: 3 Mohs Hardness
Color Varieties: Honey-Yellow, Brown, Orange
Localities: The United States, Mexico, Brazil, Peru
Metaphysical Properties: Honey Calcite has powerful healing properties that help with emotional issues and stimulate personal growth. It instills a positive outlook allowing one to overcome obstacles.
Honey Calcite assists with personal power, self-confidence, motivation, mental clarity, and increased focus. It also encourages one to trust in their own abilities.
Associated Chakras: Solar Plexus
Zodiac Signs: Cancer
Scientific Information: Honey Calcite forms in sedimentary rocks and limestone formations. It is formed from both the chemical precipitation of calcium carbonate and the transformation of shell, coral, fecal and algal debris into calcite during diagenesis. It is a trigonal mineral, meaning it has threefold symmetry. It typically forms rhombohedral or scalenohedral crystals.