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Mineral Name: Hematite
Chemical Composition: Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)
Hardness on Mohs Scale: 5.5 - 6.5 Mohs Hardness
Color Varieties: Black, Gray, Brown
Localities: Brazil, Australia, the United States
Metaphysical Properties: Hematite is a grounding and protective stone that promotes feelings of stability, security, and strength. It helps one stay grounded and focused, and provides a sense of balance and harmony. It blocks negativity, assists in overcoming challenges, and standing your ground.
Hematite is also said to be useful for relieving stress, anxiety, and negativity, as well as for enhancing feelings of courage and confidence. It blocks negativity, assists in overcoming challenges, and standing your ground.
Associated Chakras: Root
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Scientific Information: Hematite is formed through the oxidation of iron-rich minerals in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Its crystals typically form in the trigonal crystal system.