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Mineral Name: Galena
Chemical Composition: Lead Sulfide (PbS)
Hardness on Mohs Scale: 2.5 - 2.75 Mohs Hardness
Color Varieties: Gray-Black
Localities: United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Peru
Metaphysical Properties: Galena is a grounding and protective stone. It amplifies intentions, shields from negativity, and overcomes self-doubt. It also assisted in making clear decisions.
Galena helps promote a sense of balance, harmony, stability and security, while providing protection from negative energy and psychic attack. It promotes perseverance, balance, and well-being.
Associated Chakras: Root
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
Scientific Information: Formed in hydrothermal veins, sedimentary deposits, and as a secondary mineral in oxidized zones. The primary ore of lead is Galena which also contains small amounts of silver and other metals. Its crystals typically form in the cubic crystal system, with cubes, octahedrons, or dodecahedrons.