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    Blue Kyanite


      Mineral Name: Blue Kyanite


      Chemical Composition: Aluminum Silicate (AI2SiO5)


      Hardness on Mohs Scale: 5 - 7.5 Mohs Hardness


      Color Varieties: Pale to Deep Blue, Gray, White, (infrequently) Green


      Localities: Brazil, Burma, Mexico, South Africa, Namibia, and Kenya


      Metaphysical Properties: Blue Kyanite helps promote communication, self-reflection, empowerment, and the ability to communicate one’s needs. It can also assist with decision making, promoting teamwork, and retaining information. 

      Blue Kyanite aids in the development of psychic abilities and enhances intuition and spiritual awareness. It provides inner peace, tranquility, and harmony while clearing negative energy. It helps bring balance to light and dark energies in our lives in order to achieve alignment.

              Associated Chakras: Throat

              Zodiac Signs: Taurus

      Scientific Information: Blue Kyanite forms in a long, blade-like crystal structure and is typically opaque to translucent. It is often found in association with other minerals such as mica, garnet, and quartz. It obtains its color due to trace amounts of iron and titanium within the crystal structure.