These 7 inch Wild Earth Original Himalayan Smudge Sticks contain herbs gathered in Nepal and blended to promote purification and positive energies. High Mountain Juniper purifies, and invokes dakinis (female sky...
Mineral Name: Honey Calcite Chemical Composition: Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Hardness on Mohs Scale: 3 Mohs Hardness Color Varieties: Honey-Yellow, Brown, Orange Localities: The United States, Mexico,...
Howlite is useful in calming, alleviating insomnia, past life work, ambition, patience, eliminating anger and rage, and overcoming selfishness. It is good for soothing an overactive mind, insight, and wisdom.
Indigo Gabbro is a useful crystal in journeying to multiple dimensions, grounding, uplifting, and stabilizing. Gabbro is a supportive crystal that puts you in touch with your higher self, removes...
By Jody Boginski Barbessi Inversion Tarot is based on and inspired by the mid-century artwork originally created in 1960 by Paul Mathison for the Rolla Nordic Tarot. This deck follows...
Mineral Name: Labradorite Chemical Composition: Calcium Enriched Feldspar ((Ca,Na)(AI,Si)4O8) Hardness on Mohs Scale: 6 - 6.5 Mohs Hardness Color Varieties: Gray, Black, can display a variety of...
Lapis Lazuli is useful for enlightenment, personal and spiritual power, peace, serenity, and psychic work. It is also useful for clarity, creativity, and objectivity. ***Lapis Lazuli received may differ...
These 7-8 inch smudge sticks can be used in cleansing, elevating happiness, and clearing the energic field. The lavender scent helps invoke relaxation and peace.