By Jody Boginski Barbessi Inversion Tarot is based on and inspired by the mid-century artwork originally created in 1960 by Paul Mathison for the Rolla Nordic Tarot. This deck follows...
By Yasmin BolandThe phases of the moon and the position of the stars have a powerful effect on our everyday lives. Astrologer Yasmin Boland is an expert on the moon’s...
Bestselling author Lucy Cavendish is your personal guide as you embark on a marvelous journey into the secret spaces and magickal places of visionary artist Gilbert Williams. Discover light temples,...
By Author Claudette Knox and Gena Wilson and Artist Maureen WolfordThis unique oracle deck is based on the energy healing method of Reiki, which allows us to find a feeling...
By Author Suzy Cherub and Artist Laila SavolainenEmbody your sacred feminine powers and prepare to receive interstellar guidance with this glistening oracle from author, speaker and intuitive coach Suzy Cherub....
By Davide De AngelisThe most eagerly anticipated tarot kit of the year! In 1995, David Bowie and Davide De Angelis began collaborating on album art for Bowie's album Outside, a...
By Lo ScarabeoFrom the artwork of world-renowned fantasy artist Lisa Parker, Tarot Familiars is a deck of charm, mystery, and animal magic. The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks...
By Ciro MarchettiPopular digital artist Ciro Marchetti has crafted the evocative Tarot Grand Luxe out of his own creative imaginings. Based primarily on the Rider-Waite-Smith™ tarot system, the lavish details...
By Author Lee Bursten and Artist Ciro MarchettiCiro Marchetti reimagines tarot by presenting vivid dream images that map out a fascinating journey of self-discovery. Tarot of Dreams explores the profound...