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      Mineral Name: Aragonite

      Chemical Composition: Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)

      Hardness on Mohs Scale: 3.5-4 Mohs Hardness

      Color Varieties: White or colorless, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Blue, and Green.

      Localities: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Sicily, Greece, Spain, and Japan

      Metaphysical Properties: Aragonite promotes a sense of peace and tranquility, helps release negative energy and emotions and removes blockages. It can also enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, improve memory, as well as aid in communication with spirit guides and higher realms. Aragonite can also keep you calm under pressure, instill self-confidence, increase patience, attract good luck, aid with creativity, and build strong relationships. 

      Associated Chakras: Root and Sacral

      Zodiac Signs: Capricorn and Taurus

      Scientific Information: Aragonite is formed in conditions of high temperature and pressure, and can also be formed through biological processes such as the precipitation of calcium carbonate by marine organisms. It is commonly found in sedimentary rocks, as well as in hydrothermal veins and biological systems such as shells and pearls.